The 5 "Money Blocks" That are keeping you financially stuck
What You Will Learn From This Presentation:
Secret #1: The Three Types of Money
Once you understand the three types of money you can radically change your income. It's as simple as applying the "Money Matrix" first thing in the morning.
Secret #2: The 3 Ways Money Affects Your Life
There are three ways your relate to money. If one of them is messed up it can screw up the other areas.
Secret #3: The 5 Core Beliefs That Keep You Financially Stuck
If you have just ONE of these beliefs (which almost everyone does) it could be keeping you from have the financial success you deserve.
Here's What You'll Receive When 
You Get The How To Remove Your Money Blocks Course:
  • The Three Types of Money Training: In this video, Ian gives a detailed explanation of the three types of money and how to use them in your life. You'll learn exactly how to set up your day using Ian's simple method. 
  • The "3 Types of Money" Worksheet: This is a simple worksheet you can use to apply the Three Types of Money to your life. Just fill it in and see how your life changes. 
  • The 5 Core Block Training: There are 5 core money blocks. And there are 5 different training videos. One to address each block. 
  • The 5 Meditations: There is a different meditation for each block so you can remove each of them at their root level. These meditations are one of the most powerful tools on earth to remove your money blocks. 
The One Question That Could Change Your Life
There's one question almost everyone asks themselves every single day.

Sometimes multiple times a day.

It dominates their lives and keeps them from enjoying their life fully.

I used to ask myself this question everyday as well. And I'll say from personal experience that life is much better now that I don't have to ask it anymore.

So what is it? What is this question that dominates our lives?

"Can I afford this?"

This is the question that lines the fabric of our society.

So let me ask you a question about that question.

What if you didn't have to ask it anymore?

What if that question didn't run your life?

How would that feel?

Imagine waking up and doing whatever you want. 

I want to give you a path so that you can make the "Can I afford it" question a thing of the past.

In between you and that life are 3 things.

1. The 5 core beliefs about money that are keeping you financially stuck...whether you make $1,000 a month or $100,000 a month or more.

2. Understanding the 3 ways you relate to money. 

3. Applying the "Money Matrix" so you can get the most out of every single day....without working harder or longer hours.

But it all starts with removing the money blocks that are killing your wealth potential.

Right now, you're essentially driving with one foot on the brakes at all times. I want to show you how to take your foot off the brakes open up your ability to bring more money into your life.

Now let me be clear about something...I want to be realistic.

What I'm talking about has nothing to do with The Secret or Manifestation. It's a proven practical way to change your relationship to money.

I'm not saying you'll remove these blocks and suddenly have a mansion on the beach, a Lambo, and a private jet next month. (Although I'm sure it's possible for some people.) 

But once you get rid of these blocks it would be very unlikely for you to not bring more money into your life. 

Once you deal with these core beliefs you'll be able to apply the Money Matrix to increase your income while cutting down on your workload. 

Here's just some of what you'll learn inside the LionHeart Money Matrix:
  •  Why it's almost impossible for you to make a lot of money if you think money is evil.
  •  Why you probably have a 5 year old managing your finances. (I know that sounds weird but it's true for a lot of people.)
  •  The 4 questions you must ask yourself to remove your negative beliefs about money.
  •  The reason why you may have trouble KEEPING money...even if you make a lot of it. 
  •  Why you don't have to work harder to make more money...and how to actually work "smarter" in your life.
  •  How to make better decisions about money by removing your "child" and "teen" from the process.
  •  How your parents and teachers may be the reason why you don't have more money in your life.
  •  If you got paid to do chores as a's affecting your relationship to money. Inside you'll find out how.
  •  How to shift your deeper feelings about money to help increase your wealth potential.
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